The Alternative Narrative on Syria Exposed [New Documentary]


Many people think they know what's going in Syria, because they've been given an alternative narrative, from so-called truther sources. We're being told that Assad is innocent and he's just being set up. The truth ain't as straight forward as it looks, or how our conspiracy-shaped minds would imagine it to be. There is stuff going on in Syria that goes beyond western foreign intervention. 

By the way, I do not deny that there are resistance movements that are being supported by foreign entities like CIA, but this does not take away the guilt of the Assad regime. What we are seeing today is similiar to what happened in Afghanistan in the 80's. CIA financed the mujahideen and supplied them with weapons. That did not make them(the mujahideen) terrorists. Now the same thing is happening in Syria, but does this mean that the financed groups like the Nusra front are guilty of the massacres that people attribute to them? No. Unlike the FSA, the Nusra front are known to be disciplined fighters who have set up sharia courts in absence of law and order. Many of the Syrian residents have told the courts that FSA would confiscate expensive cars accusing their owners of being shabeeha. My point is that the syrian resistance is not monolithic, and I oppose any kind of ''terrorism'' perpetrated by ANY group in syria, even if they be Sunnis.

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